The AccuFund core system is a fully functional accounting syatem that includes the Sybase Server Anywhere (SQL) database, the AccuFund Database Administraor and the core suite of modules. The system is a fully integrated. real time system with extensive capacity including imaging. The system comes in two versions the Standard and Professional edition. The Professional edition has more advanced security that is conducive to the management or larger organizations. The core modules included are:
General Ledger
Accounts Payable
Cash Receipts
Bank Reconciliation
Financial Report Writer
Reports/Forms Designer
GL Allocations
AccuFund offers a full online version of the system. This allows a geographically disbursed organization to utilize AccuFund without the time and expense of maintaining a WAN, it also allows user to have a convenient pay as you go system. For those who need a flexible payment schedule leasing can also be arranged.